Women are presidents and generals too!
What comes to mind when you see a female president decorating a high-ranking military woman? Do you see anything surprising?
It is time to end the biases limiting women's potential and offer everyone equal opportunities to take on leadership roles. Our economies and societies need all the talent that is available to ensure a better future for everyone.
Breaking the glass ceiling: let’s challenge gender stereotypes
The lack of women in leadership roles has negative impacts on society. Research has shown that gender diversity in leadership positions leads to better decision-making, improved organisational performance, and more innovation. Despite this, women are still underrepresented in decision-making positions across all sectors, from politics to business to academia.
This perpetuates the myth that men are better suited for leadership and sends the wrong message to girls and young women that they are not as capable or worthy of taking decisions. We need to stop this vicious cycle and bring more women into management and political leadership to serve as role models for future generations.

The European Commission has been encouraging EU countries to have more women in decision-making positions and has been funding several projects supporting this goal. New EU rules will improve the gender balance in decision-making positions in the EU’s largest listed companies by ensuring fair and transparent procedures in the selection of candidates for board positions. You can also take small steps in this direction by not letting expectations limit your aspirations or by listening to women and girls and encouraging them to follow their goals, when they themselves may be influenced by the stereotypes around them.

Look beyond the figures
Tackling gender stereotypes in practice
We can only overcome gender stereotypes by taking concrete actions and encouraging equal participation of women and men in all aspects of life. Find out about some EU-funded projects tackling gender stereotypes:
Let’s act together!
Do you want to challenge stereotypes and help promote gender equality?
To help raise awareness about this topic, share the campaign materials with the hashtag #EndGenderStereotypes.
Everyone has the power to bring about change!

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