Rethinking our perspectives: let’s discuss gender stereotypes
This campaign aims to raise awareness about the role gender stereotypes play in society.
What gender instantly comes to mind when you think of a certain toy, a job, a sport, or even a colour? Gender stereotypes are deeply ingrained in our culture and are a root cause of gender inequalities. Often, we are not even aware of them, but they affect each of us - both women and men. Gender stereotypes can limit our ability and our aspirations to choose a field of study or training, pursue a professional career, and make simple life choices, like picking a hobby. The impact of stereotypes can be even stronger for some people: for instance, if someone has a disability or is from a minority ethnic background, they might experience multiple stereotyping. Each of us has different identities, and at their intersections, we can face unique experiences of discrimination. Gender stereotypes limit everyone’s freedom. That is why it is important to question them.
It is time to #EndGenderStereotypes!
Career choices
What comes to mind when you see a woman firefighter? Do you see anything unexpected?
Gender stereotypes and biases are built into people’s minds from as early as childhood. From the skills we acquire as children to what we study in school and the careers we pursue, stereotypical expectations for women and men, girls and boys, can limit our aspirations, choices, and freedom. Therefore, we need to question what is due to free choice; and what is due to our stereotypes.
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Work-life balance
What comes to mind when you see a working father doing the hair of his daughter? Do you see anything unusual?
The roles and responsibilities of men and women in their families and jobs are determined not only by their free choices but also by gender stereotypes. Striving for gender balance in the workplace, at home, and in society requires broadening one's perspective on these issues, by challenging conventional norms and beliefs.
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What comes to mind when you see a female president decorating a high-ranking military woman? Do you see anything surprising?
Women continue to be underrepresented in decision-making positions in all areas, and this is partly due to gender stereotypes. But in business, politics, and society as a whole, we can only reach our full potential if we use all of our talent and diversity. Using only half of the population delivers only half of the ideas and energy. We need to tackle the stereotypes that prevent women from rising to positions of leadership.
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Look beyond the figures
Let’s act together!
Do you want to challenge stereotypes and help promote gender equality?
To help raise awareness about this topic, share the campaign materials with the hashtag #EndGenderStereotypes.
Everyone has the power to bring about change!
- Digital kit - Житейски изборбългарски
- Digital kit - Decisiones de vidaespañol
- Digital kit - Rozhodování o vlastním životěčeština
- Digital kit - Livsvalgdansk
- Digital kit - LebensentscheidungenDeutsch
- Digital kit - Eluvalikudeesti
- Digital kit - Επιλογές στη ζωήελληνικά
- Digital kit - Choix de viefrançais
- Digital kit - Roghanna saoilGaeilge
- Digital kit - Životni izborihrvatski
- Digital kit - Scelte di vitaitaliano
- Digital kit - Izvēles dzīvēlatviešu
- Digital kit - Gyvenimo pasirinkimailietuvių
- Digital kit - Az életedet befolyásoló választási lehetőségekmagyar
- Digital kit - Għażliet tal-ħajjaMalti
- Digital kit - LevenskeuzesNederlands
- Digital kit - Wybory życiowepolski
- Digital kit - Escolhas de vidaportuguês
- Digital kit - Alegeri în viațăromână
- Digital kit - Životné rozhodnutiaslovenčina
- Digital kit - Življenjske odločitveslovenščina
- Digital kit - Elämänvalinnatsuomi
- Digital kit - Livsvalsvenska
- Digital kit - Възможности за избор на кариерабългарски
- Digital kit - Elección profesionalespañol
- Digital kit - Výběr povoláníčeština
- Digital kit - Karrierevalgdansk
- Digital kit - KarriereentscheidungenDeutsch
- Digital kit - Karjäärivalikudeesti
- Digital kit - Επιλογές σταδιοδρομίαςελληνικά
- Digital kit - Choix de carrièrefrançais
- Digital kit - Roghanna gairmeGaeilge
- Digital kit - Izbor karijerehrvatski
- Digital kit - Scelte professionaliitaliano
- Digital kit - Profesijas izvēlelatviešu
- Digital kit - Karjeros pasirinkimailietuvių
- Digital kit - Pályaválasztásmagyar
- Digital kit - Għażliet tal-karrieraMalti
- Digital kit - LoopbaankeuzesNederlands
- Digital kit - Wybór karierypolski
- Digital kit - Escolha de carreirasportuguês
- Digital kit - Alegeri de carierăromână
- Digital kit - Kariérne možnostislovenčina
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- Digital kit - Karriärvalsvenska
- Digital kit - Баланс между работата и личния животбългарски
- Digital kit - Equilibrio entre la vida laboral y la vida privadaespañol
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- Digital kit - Balance mellem arbejdsliv og privatlivdansk
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- Digital kit - Équilibre entre vie personnelle et vie professionnellefrançais
- Digital kit - Cothromaíocht oibre is saoilGaeilge
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- Digital kit - Equilibrio tra vita privata e professionaleitaliano
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- Digital kit - Equilíbrio trabalho-vidaportuguês
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- Digital kit - Toma de decisionesespañol
- Digital kit - Rozhodováníčeština
- Digital kit - Beslutningstagningdansk
- Digital kit - EntscheidungsfindungDeutsch
- Digital kit - Otsuste tegemineeesti
- Digital kit - Λήψη αποφάσεωνελληνικά
- Digital kit - Prise de décisionfrançais
- Digital kit - CinnteoireachtGaeilge
- Digital kit - Donošenje odlukahrvatski
- Digital kit - Processo decisionaleitaliano
- Digital kit - Lēmumu pieņemšanalatviešu
- Digital kit - Sprendimų priėmimaslietuvių
- Digital kit - Döntéshozatalmagyar
- Digital kit - Teħid ta’ deċiżjonijietMalti
- Digital kit - BesluitvormingNederlands
- Digital kit - Podejmowanie decyzjipolski
- Digital kit - Tomada de decisõesportuguês
- Digital kit - Luarea deciziilorromână
- Digital kit - Rozhodovanieslovenčina
- Digital kit - Sprejemanje odločitevslovenščina
- Digital kit - Päätöksentekosuomi
- Digital kit - Beslutsfattandesvenska